hippos in Lake Edward

Lake Edward is located in Queen Elisabeth NP on the border with the D.R. Congo. There are many hippos in the lake. Towards evening come from the nearby savannah area many animals for drinking to the lake. Waterbucks, buffaloes, Uganda kobs and many waterfowl appear here regularly.
On the way to Lake Edward we drive past the Queen Elisabeth NP. On the way you will have the opportunity to observe Uganda Kobs, elephants, waterbucks, warthogs or water buffalo.

Evening observation of hippos

Towards evening, the hippos leave Lake Edward for their nocturnal foraging. We will watch them walk leisurely out of the lake and march past us into the savannah. While the hippos leave the lake, many savanna animals such as Uganda kobs, waterbuck, water buffalo and birds appear to refresh themselves at the lake in the evening.


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